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The 63200A series high power DC electronic loads are designed for testing a wide range of power conversion products including AC/DC and server power supplies, DC/DC converters, EV batteries, automotive charging stations, and other power electronics components. These units can be synchronously paralleled up to 240kW and dynamically synchronized for generating complex multi-channel transient profiles. The 300% peak overpower capability provides extra headroom for fault condition simulations in automotive batteries, fuel cells, and more.

The 63200A series have three operating voltage choices, 150V, 600V & 1,200V, with models covering power levels from 4kW to 24kW and up to 2,000A in a single unit.

The DC loads have unique user defined waveform (UDW) capability and external analog modulating input for s imul a t ing re a l-wor ld, cus tom waveforms. Another distinct feature is the dynamic auto-frequency sweep function, which enables detecting a UUTs worst case output deviation across a wide range of current frequencies. In addition, a 255-set of data storage function has been built in for recall of the stored settings at any time. For automated testing, the save and recall functions can save a great deal of time.

氣體擴散層 Gas Diffusion Layer


    .Avcarb (原Ballard Material) GDL

    .SGL Carbon GDL

    .Toay GDL

    .Freudenburg GDL

    .EFT Fibers GDL

    .Etek GDL

    .Carbon paper, Carbon Cloth

    .Microporous Porous Layer Coating


美国Scribner的燃料电池测试装置。尤其在燃料电池车厂像丰田, GM ,本田, 上汽等大型车厂, 都是指定使用美国Scribner的燃料电池测试设备。


AC 交流阻抗分析功能

设备主要用于燃料电池的电化学性能表征,極化性能曲線分析,对于陰極極电化学反应机理的研究十分重要。目前国内在新能源材料合成及相关性能测定领域,各校均拥有一定数量进行学生实验教学,以提高学生实验和仪器操作能力。同时该设备将满足燃料电池 。


设备主要用于燃料电池的电化学性能表征,極化性能曲線分析,对于陰極極电化学反应机理的研究十分重要。目前国内在新能源材料合成及相关性能测定领域,各校均拥有一定数量进行学生实验教学,以提高学生实验和仪器操作能力。同时该设备将满足燃料电池 教学水平和质量。


设备主要用于燃料电池的电化学性能表征,極化性能曲線分析,对于陰極極电化学反应机理的研究十分重要。目前国内在新能源材料合成及相关性能测定领域,各校均拥有一定数量进行学生实验教学,以提高学生实验和仪器操作能力。同时该设备将满足燃料电池 教学水平和质量。


Hephas Energy Corporation

1F, No.60, Park Ave.II, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu, Taiwan 308-44, R.O.C.

Tel +886-3-578-0221
Fax +886-3-578-0231

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